Conductivity /TDS Meter


Product Description :

Microprocessor Based Conductivity/TDS/Temperature meter with 16×2 alphanumeric LCD Display having auto temperature compensation , Digit cell constant adjustment , Conductivity cell & temperature probe.

Technical Specification :

Range 0 to 1000m mho in 6 ranges
Range selection automatic 6 ranges 0 to 1000ms/cm
Resolution 0. 1ms/cm
Cell constant Adjustable
Temperature co-eff adjustable between 0 to 4%
Temp compensation automatic for entire range
Accuracy ± 0. 5% of range + 1digit
Range 0 to 1000ppt in 6 ranges
Range selection Automatic
Resolution 0. 1ppm
TDS factor 0. 5 and adjustable manually
Range 0 to 50ppt
Resolution 0. 1ppt
Accuracy ± 0. 5% of range ± 1digit
Temp compensation Automatic
Salinity factor . 75 and adjustable manually
Range -20. 0 to +200°c
Resolution 0. 1°c
Accuracy +0. 2%
Input type pt 100
Calibration Manual
Display 16 character 2 lines alphanumeric lcd
Display format temp & conductivity or temp & TDS temp & salinity simultaneously
Setting by soft touch keys
Storage 1000 samples with date & time
Accessories 1) Cond Cell
2) Stand3) Temp Probe
4) Dust Cover
5) Instruction Manual